We got to team up this summer with the most adventurous new Lodge in town! It’s actually not quite “in town” because it’s more accurately “in the mountains” where most adventures tend to happen…but it’s only 5 minutes from Boulder! We were stoked to bring…
Do these kind of weddings actually exist in the real world or did we step inside a magazine or perhaps a magic wardrobe? No, it was real. Just phenomenally, fantastically, completely beautiful and unique. As our son would say, it was “beautifuller than 200 baked…
I kid you not when I say that Kara and JP hired us literally the day of their wedding! We kinda love that sort of spontaneity even though I don’t necessarily recommend it for our potential clients. 🙂 It was also on a day that…
Greetings, all you veedub-photo boose-pretty vintage-crazy good times- lovers out there that have found your way to our little nook of the wide web. Our 3-year-old has trouble saying his “TH” sounds so we tend to use his terminology when talking of our “photo boose”…
The ShutterBus voice is fun, Quick favorite memory of the night written out; what was fun, unusual, surprising, etc Quick favorite photo from the strips and/or from outside bus during event posted @ mentions and link to all vendors involved with event Links to photos upload…

There comes a time with any new idea or adventure that you need to take a step back, draw a deep breath in, and let it go free into the world. For The ShutterBus, that time is now(!). Is everything ready? Of course not! We…